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SSBD part 3

This is Part 3 of the Same Same But Different (SSBD) series.

We're looking at Chinese words that are written in the same way but pronounced differently under different contexts (we call them heteronyms). Please click here for Part 1 and Part 2 to refresh your memory.

In Part 3 today, let's look at heteronyms with 3 sets of meaning / usage.


Chinese heteronym 差

The more familiar form is 差 chā (the 1st tone) as in 差错 chā cuò (meaning error or mistake).

A variant is 差 chà (the 4th tone) e.g. when we say 差劲 chà jìn (meaning lousy or poor).

Both words (差劲) carry the 4th tone which seems to emphasize the state of disappointment ..

There is a 3rd set of meaning-pronunciation that may not be as commonly seen.

差 can also be chāi as in 差事 chāi shì (meaning errand or task).

If you pronounce it wrongly as chā shì, all I can say is that your Chinese is 差劲 chà jìn !


Chinese heteronym 强

We are familiar with 强 qiáng (the 2nd tone) as in 强壮 qiáng zhuàng (strong).

A variant is 强 qiǎng (the 3rd tone) e.g. when we say 勉强 miǎn qiǎng (reluctantly).

The one that stands out is 强 jiàng. Here the only example I can think of is when we're using the phrase 倔强 jué jiàng (stubborn).

3. 薄

Chinese heteronym 薄

The commonly used form is 薄 (the 2nd tone) e.g. 刻薄 kè bó (mean & unkind).

A similar pinyin but with the 4th tone is 薄 as in 薄荷 bò hé (peppermint). I can only think of this noun as the only example that uses the 4th tone.

The 3rd set of meaning-pronunciation is 薄 báo (meaning thin in terms of thickness).

In our local setting, popiah or 薄饼 báo bǐng is an excellent example.

薄饼 = thin pancake

So if you order from the auntie " bǐng", you are saying it wrongly. And you are being mean for calling the popiah "mean pancake" :(

Not our beloved popiah. It is pronounced báo bǐng (thin pancake), not bó bǐng (evil pancake).


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