Deconstruct 4
In Part 3 earlier, we saw how the component 口 kǒu combines with other units to form more words. For example, 否 fǒu is made up of 不 and 口, as if someone's shouting out "No!"

From Deconstruct Part 3
Today, we extend the same logic to another body part, 手 shǒu and, by association, 力 lì .

1. Grasp + Hand
To have 执 zhí (meaning to grasp) together with 手 shǒu (hand), it's a reference to sincerity (it's quite similar to the idea of displaying sincerity through a firm handshake).
For example, sincerity in Chinese is 真挚 zhēn zhì.
A bosom friend or sworn friend is called 挚友 zhì yǒu.
How you shake hands, especially when meeting someone for the 1st time, goes a long way towards creating a good impression. How much strength to use, eye contact or no eye contact, the list of things to look out for can be scary.. here are some useful tips and dos & don'ts.

2. Grasp + Power
势 shì refers to the situation, the momentum or extent of influence.
The base is 力 lì while the top is 执 zhí.
To grasp power.. that's a clear sign that you're in control of the situation right?

3. Less + Effort
We covered much about having power and strength, how about having less of it?
To have 少 shǎo (less or be lacking of) above 力 lì (effort or strength), that forms the word 劣 liè.
劣 means inferior.
For example, 恶劣 è liè describes the poor state (of something) or lousy conditions e.g. bad weather.
If we line up 2 of the above words side by side, 劣 and 势, we get 劣势 liè shì which means a very bad or disadvantageous situation.
Drop me a note if you find this series helpful, or if you have other words to suggest.
Look out for subsequent posts (tag: Deconstruct).