CNY 成语 Quiz
Happy Lunar New Year!
It's the Year of the Dog so why not challenge yourself with this quiz on dog-related 成语.
It's almost like Scrabble: What are the possible 成语 whose first / second / third / fourth word is 狗?
Give it a shot just fur fun :)
There are at least 7 possible answers, 7 成语 that we may come across in our daily lives.

Scroll down for suggested answers
狗 _ _ _
1. 狗急跳墙 gǒu jí tiào qiáng
Literally: a cornered dog jumping over a wall
Meaning: someone who is driven to desperate measures
2. 狗血淋头 gǒu xiě lín tóu
Literally: having dog's blood poured over your head
Meaning: to be scolded badly
_ 狗 _ _
3. 嫁狗随狗 jià gǒu suí gǒu
Literally: if you marry a dog, follow the dog
Meaning: used as an advice for a woman to be content with the person she has married i.e. for better or for worse
[this usually comes as part of a longer phrase: 嫁鸡随鸡, 嫁狗随狗]
[this phrase may hint of a sense of helplessness too, that a woman has to follow her husband no matter who he is or how good/bad he is]
_ _ 狗 _
4. 狼心狗肺 láng xīng gǒu fèi
Literally: heart of wolf and lungs of dog
Meaning: cruel and unscrupulous
5. 猪朋狗友 zhū péng gǒu yǒu
Literally: dogs and pigs are your bros
Meaning: disreputable companions
6. 鸡飞狗跳 jī fēi gǒu tiào
Literally: chicken flying and dog jumping
Meaning: total disorder
_ _ _ 狗
7. 偷鸡摸狗 tōu jī mō gǒu
Literally: stealing the chicken & touching the dog
Meaning: to be involved in shady or illicit affairs [implies someone is a philander or pilfer]
A round of applause (or is it ap-paws) if you can get all 7..
If you notice, the 成语 tend not to be so paw-sitive (omg, stop the puns).
In fact, phrases such as 狼心狗肺 or 偷鸡摸狗 are derogatory and reproachful. Indirectly it seems to suggest that 狗, as a figure of speech, relates more to beastly qualities than other favourable types of qualities (e.g. loyalty or faithfulness that are also associated with the dog).
Hope you like this CNY 成语 quiz.
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