Mid-Autumn Festival riddle 11
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Enjoying the riddles so far? We come to the final tier whereby the riddles are getting more and more difficult. Hence MCQ options are provided. A pat on your back if you're able to solve this one:

MCQ for those who need them
A) 久久不忘
B) 万无一失
Scroll down for answer

For the answer to make sense to you, first you need to know that ten thousand (10,000) is called 万 wàn in Chinese.
无 wú means no or without, while 失 shī means to lose something.
The riddle (9999) can be thought of as 10,000 minus 1. In other words, 万 without 1 (i.e. losing 1). Which is why 万无一失 is the best-fitting answer. The other MCQ option (久久不忘) was simply chosen because 久 jiǔ sounds exactly like 9 jiǔ.
The phrase itself means "foolproof" or "without a chance of error or risk". It can be used to express confidence or certainty in a plan or action.