Mid-Autumn Festival riddle 15
For earlier riddles, search the tag: Mid-Autumn Festival
Welcome to the last riddle in the series. Many thanks for the support all this while.
And since it's the finale, let's try one with a 5-star difficulty.

MCQ options:
A) Nope, not this
B) 树大招风
C) 水到渠成
D) You've gone too far, go back
Scroll down for answer

The best way to understand the answer is to study the word 渠 qú. It means a channel, drain or canal. If you examine how it is written, there are 2 main components: the 三点水 sān diǎn shuǐ
(the so-called "water radical") and one part made up of 巨 & 木 . These are shown below in blue and orange respectively.

The riddle starts off with "巨木" (in orange).
If you add in the 三点水 (in blue), the entire word 渠 is formed.
Hence, 水到了,“渠”就成了.
On its own, the phrase 水到渠成 shuǐ dào qú chéng directly translates into: when water comes, a channel is formed. The translation of the phrase aligns with the makeup of the word 渠 as highlighted by the riddle. This is why it is the answer.
How to use this phrase, you ask? When you want to bring up the idea that "when conditions are ripe, success will come". It implies a sense of patience, a sense of focus on the key factors or priorities following which success will come naturally.
On that positive note, it's the Mid-Autumn Festival today. Wishing all Kan Tang supporters

It's a festival for reunions with loved ones. Enjoy quality time with friends & family.
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