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Get emoji with 成语

Enjoyed our recent quiz?

Here's another Challenge on 成语, this time with emojis!

Are you able to guess what these 5 成语 are?

Emoji Quiz

Scroll down for answers

1. 马马虎虎 mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ

Meaning: casual / passable / so-so

2. 刀山火海 dāo shān huǒ hǎi

刀山 = mountains of knives

火海 = seas of flames

Meaning: (to go through) extreme danger and/or tribulations

3. 百战百胜 bǎi zhàn bǎi shèng

Meaning: to be victorious in every single battle

4. 画龙点睛 huà lóng diǎn jīng

画龙 = draw dragon

点睛 = dot the eye

Meaning: to add the vital finishing touch that brings the subject to life

5. 心狠手辣 xīn hěn shǒu là

Meaning: ruthless and merciless

(in the Whatsapp, the horizontal line 横 héng is used as proxy to represent 狠 hěn as their pinyin are similar)

Think you are more creative and can conjure up better emojis?

Or do you have other 成语 to suggest?

Drop me a feedback note or post in the Comments field.


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