Emoji Quiz 2
I'm back with Round 2 of the emoji quiz. (click here if you want to try Round 1)
No explanations needed on how to do this. You just need some brain juice and out-of-the-box thinking.
Scroll down for answer
1. 一石二鸟 yī shí èr niǎo
Meaning: to kill 2 birds with 1 stone
2. 闭月羞花 bì yuè xiū huā
闭月 = hiding the moon
羞花 = shaming the flowers
Meaning: to describe a lady with exceptional beauty (to the extent that her beauty hides the moon or shames the flowers)
3. 猪朋狗友 zhū péng gǒu yǒu
Meaning: bad company / dissolute companions
4. 一刀两断 yī dāo liǎng duàn
Meaning: to make a clean break
5. 唇亡齿寒 chún wáng chǐ hán
唇亡 = lips die
齿寒 = teeth get cold
Meaning: to be intimately interdependent. If the lips die off, the teeth will feel the coldness.
(there's no emoji for teeth so I used one for ruler or 尺 chǐ whose pinyin sounds close enough)