三更半夜 means that it is very late at night. What is 三更?
Is 三更 the same as 半夜? Let's explore this phrase to understand more.
刻 is a measurement of time. How long is 1 刻?
One of the most commonly used words in our daily lives is the word Now. We hear it all the time: at work, in school, from advertisements,...

Mid-Autumn Festival riddle 15
For earlier riddles, search the tag: Mid-Autumn Festival Welcome to the last riddle in the series. Many thanks for the support all this...

Mid-Autumn Festival riddle 14
For earlier riddles, search the tag: Mid-Autumn Festival Riddle #14.. surely you are an expert by now Even though you may be an expert,...

Mid-Autumn Festival riddle 13
For earlier riddles, search the tag: Mid-Autumn Festival Q. What did the monk say when he receives a comb as a gift? A. Thanks! I will...

Mid-Autumn Festival riddle 12
For earlier riddles, search the tag: Mid-Autumn Festival Don't chicken out of today's riddle Then again, you don't have to run around...

Mid-Autumn Festival riddle 11
For earlier riddles, search the tag: Mid-Autumn Festival Enjoying the riddles so far? We come to the final tier whereby the riddles are...